(650) 636-7277

Wet Basement Foster City Experts

What’s the room in your home that is the most prone to collected moisture, mold, or flooding? While your first instinct might be to say the bathroom or the kitchen because of all the water running through there, it’s actually your basement. The basement to your home has most of the piping running through it, and it also usually carries your water heater and other important water fixtures that could easily flood. And what’s worse is that it’s a room that you probably don’t go into every day, so these things can go unnoticed. Should it ever happen to you that your basement becomes flooded, contact us at Patriots Restoration for Foster City wet basement remediation.

Preventing A Wet Basement

We are happy to resolve any wet basement issue for you by cleaning up the source of the problem and thoroughly restoring the basement to its pre-flood condition. However, we do offer some tips to help you prevent it from happening again in the future.

  • Check It Regularly – The first step to recognizing when you have a wet basement problem is to check it regularly. If all you do is walk down there every day and look around for a minute, chances are you’ll catch any sign of a problem shortly after it happens. This will give you the heads up to call us right away so we can provide expert home remediation for you.
  • Smell for Odors – Odors are a key indicator of a problem. If any part of your home smells funky like there might be mold growing, you should have it inspected by a Patriots Restoration professional. While checking your basement, sniff around carefully and be sure to check for any sign of a problem as indicated by any suspicious odors reaching your nose. And when you call, be sure to tell us on the phone what you suspect.
  • Always Check After A Storm – Storms are one of the worst offenders for a wet basement. They leave the ground and foundation of your home soaked through, which means that your basement – which is underneath the home and surrounded by ground – could be affected. Doubly inspect your basement after any wet storm.
  • Keep It Well Ventilated – Ventilation is critical. If your basement is well ventilated, it’s more likely to be able to dry out.
  • Install a Water Sensor – A water sensor would give you a heads up by alerting you to any sign of moisture the moment it happens. Place these strategically in the basement to warn you of a wet basement Foster City so that you can call us at Patriots Restoration to fix it for you.