(650) 636-7277

Patriots Restoration Foster City Sewage Cleanup

Whether it’s the septic tank or a backed up toilet, sewage can cause a reeking wreck of a mess that’ll seep into your carpets and fill your home with the odor of sewage. This is not only incredibly unpleasant but also harmful to your health, so the first step when this happens is to immediately get rid of the problem. But how do you do it? Actually, you shouldn’t do it at all – let us. We have the training and the equipment to do so in an efficient and safe manner. We’ll provide Foster City sewage cleanup that will not only rid your home of the sewage and water but will also restore your home to the way it was beforehand.

Why Our Professional Assistance is Important

There’s a great need for professional assistance when it comes to sewage cleanup. Raw sewage strewn about your flooring or your home or your yard is a breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria, contaminants, insects, small creatures, and the like. It carries with it – and will attract to it – all kinds of things that could cause permanent damage to your home and seriously affect your health. Therefore, when there’s a sewage flood or sewage backup, don’t rely on your own self to get rid of it. Rely on us, because we’re prepared. Every one of our technicians has the proper safety gear for dealing with a sewage flood, which makes us able to get rid of it without harm to ourselves. Our trucks are all full of the equipment needed to safely remove sewage water and then scrub down the area afterward so that it’s thoroughly bleached and cared for after the mess is cleaned up.

Proper Cleanup

The proper cleanup involves a lot more than just removing the sewage. Once that’s taken care of, we’ll inspect the home carefully for any signs of collected moisture. Our humidifiers, fans, and pumps will help to rid your home of such things. We’ll inspect for any possibility of mold growth, which is a real latent threat after a flood. We’ll bleach the walls and thoroughly sanitize every surface affected. And finally, we’ll make sure that all looks well before we leave you. With Patriots Restoration, you can count on proper and thorough sewage cleanup Foster City.