(650) 636-7277

Flood Clean Up

Flood Clean Up In The Home

One frustrating thing that can catch homeowners like you by surprise is a house flood. These can be caused by everything from a faucet left running to an overflowed toilet to damaged and leaky pipes to natural disasters. While they can’t always be predicted or prevented, they can be adequately dealt with if you call Patriots Restoration for professional flood clean up. This is not a task for amateurs, as it can get very messy and can cause significant home damage if not dealt with properly.

Risks and Dangers of Floods

There are many risks and dangers associated with a house flood. First includes debris and contamination. Particularly if the flood was caused by weather, an overflowed toilet, or a damaged septic tank, there will be all kinds of debris and bacterial contaminants in the water that could harm you or cause you to become ill. Additionally, a house flood can cause mold to grow, which harms your health and eats away at the structure of your home. It can also cause wood to rot and permanently damage the home’s insulation and structure.

What You Can Do

What you can do first is call us right away. The sooner you call us at Patriots Restoration, the sooner we can get there to provide you with professional flood clean up Foster City. Secondly, you can clear the area and prevent anyone from going into the flooded area, as there are risks posed there. If you know where the water is coming from, and the water is clean or if you have protective work boots that will prevent the flood water from getting to you, you can try to turn off the faucet or pipe line or whatever is causing it. You can also open windows to try to air it out. In most cases, though, we’d recommend getting out of the way, calling us, and letting us come do the work for you.

What We Will Do

As professional home restorers, we have all the necessary protective gear and equipment for proper flood clean up. We will get there right away to resolve the problem. We will deal with the debris for you and bring in humidifiers, fans, pumps, and whatever else is necessary to remove the moisture. Finally we will inspect carefully for any signs of moisture left, check for mold, and take precautions to protect your home against another flood in the future. For flood clean up you can appreciate, call Patriots Restoration.